The contribution of aspectual auxiliary verbs to the factual value of verb periphrases in Spanish: An empirical study

Ana Fernández Montravetaa – Glòria Vázquezb – Hortènsia Curella

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelonaa / Spain
University of Lleidab / Spain

Abstract – This paper presents the results of a corpus-based study on the contribution of Spanish aspectual auxiliary verbs to the factual interpretation of the predicates they modify and with which they constitute the verb complex (a verb periphrasis, VP). The study was carried out as part of a project that, based on linguistic knowledge, aimed at automatizing the annotation of the factual status of texts in this language. We analyzed 674 sentences in European Spanish extracted from four corpora, where 28 VPs were represented, considering only indicative tenses. Interestingly, the results show that, although one of the most important aspects that affects the factual interpretation in sentences with VPs is the verb tense of the auxiliary, in a few VPs, the type of auxiliary changes the factual value expected for the VP taking into account the tense used. Finally, based on the data under analysis, the study concludes that it is feasible to state general rules to automate the annotation of factuality for most of the aspectual VPs studied.

Keywords – aspectual verb periphrases; factuality; tense; annotation of corpora; Spanish

1. Introduction

Each speaker narrates events from their own perspective. In any written sentence, the author’s commitment to the truth of what is being said is stated. Event factuality is then defined as the way in which an event is presented in relation to certainty (Narita et al. 2013). That is, factuality is not directly connected to the truth value of a fact with respect to the world but to the attitude of the speaker (their stance) towards its truth value (Saurí 2008; Wonsever et al. 2016). In this way, factuality relates to epistemic modality (Barrios 2018).

In the field of corpus annotation there has been a growing interest in the labeling of the factual status of narrated events (Rudinger et al. 2018; Ross and Pavlick 2019, among others), given that fact extraction is at the base of applications such as fact-checking or fake news detection. Undoubtedly, the referent and annotation model for many proposals in this area is FactBank (Saurí and Pustejovsky 2009), a corpus developed at Brandeis University which is manually annotated for factual information.

Manual corpus annotation is a time-consuming task; hence, being able to automatize the annotation of factual information is, without doubt, a pressing need. TAGFACT (Alonso et al. 2018) is a project whose aim is to develop an automated annotation tool to determine the factual status of events for Spanish, a language for which very little work has been done so far in this field. The present study is part of this project.

The aim of this paper is to determine the role (if any) played by aspectual verb auxiliaries in the factual value of verb periphrases of European Spanish. The role of modal auxiliaries in VPs is clear but, since aspectual information relates to the internal temporal distribution of the event, the contribution of this type is not so straightforward. Specifically, three hypotheses are put forward:

  1. In Spanish, the addition of an aspectual auxiliary to the predicate may change its factuality.
  2. A by-default factual value can be associated with each subclass of aspectual VP.
  3. The tense of the auxiliary also plays a role in the factual value. It should be borne in mind, however, that the present study does not aim at studying the frequency of use of verb periphrasis, but rather the contribution of meaning to factual interpretation.

This is a corpus-based study. As regards methodology, VPs were first classified according to their semantics and a factual value was proposed for each class and subclass, taking into account tenses (cf. Section 3). Then, the proposed values were contrasted with the values attested in real sentences retrieved from corpora. We analyzed 674 sentences exemplifying 28 aspectual VPs. As shall be noted presently, interestingly, the results indicate that, although tenses are one of the most important factors regarding the factual value in sentences with aspectual VPs, a few of them change the factual value of the predicate. Therefore, the main contribution of the present study will be the formulation of rules to be used in the automation of the factual annotation for these special aspectual VPs that have a non-standard behavior in this matter. The corpora used in the analysis were: i) Corpus del Español: News on the Web (NOW),1 ii) Corpus del Español: Genre/Historical,2 iii) Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES)3 and the Spanish SenSem Corpus.4

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly presents the term VP, various classifications of Spanish aspectual VPs and how they have been dealt with in several projects related to factuality. Section 3 addresses the methodology followed in the study and Section 4 presents and discusses the main results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the study.

2. Aspectual verb periphrases and factuality

A VP is a combination of two verbs (auxiliary or V1 and lexical or V2, as in estoy comiendo ‘I’m eating’, empezamos a leer ‘we started reading’, and viene envuelto ‘it is wrapped’) where typically only the auxiliary can be finite. As Topor (2011: 93) states, a VP generally shows the following characteristics:

  1. The auxiliary expresses grammatical rather than lexical meaning, such as tense, aspect, modality or voice, as in seguir ger ‘keep ger’ (siguieron molestando ‘they kept bothering’). Here the situation is presented as occurring before and after the moment of speech.
  2. There is loss of categorical meaning in the auxiliary, that is, the selection restrictions observed in the sentence, the commutation properties and the diathesis alternations will depend on the lexical verb and not on the auxiliary, as in ponerse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’ (se pusieron a partir las nueces ‘they started cracking walnuts’; *se pusieron (a) las nueces; partieron las nueces ‘*they started walnuts; ‘they cracked the walnuts’).
  3. The two verbs form a solid structure, making up a complex structure with internal cohesion, since, for example, the insertion of elements between V1 and V2 is usually not allowed, as in ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ (no vas a hablar ‘you are not going to talk’; *vas a no hablar ‘*you are going not to talk’).

Studies dealing with Spanish VPs are quite numerous and diverse (cf. Olbertz 1998; Fernández de Castro 1999; García Fernández 2006; Topor 2011; Fábregas 2019, among others). Olbertz (1998) and Fernández de Castro (1999) offer comprehensive studies on Spanish VPs from a functionalist perspective, including a definition of the term VP and criteria of inclusion, syntactic behavior and meaning. Both García Fernández (2006) and Topor (2011) systematically deal with the meaning of VPs and propose a semantic classification. García Fernández (2006) lists VPs in alphabetical order, and each entry in the dictionary includes the meaning, a structural and syntactic description of the VP, as well as a discussion and references, profusely illustrated with examples. In turn, Topor (2011) is a contrastive study of VPs in Spanish and Romanian. After establishing the criteria to consider a sequence of two verbs as a VP and dealing with aspect and modality, the study provides information about the form, class, subclass, definition, examples, paraphrase, synonyms, translation into Romanian and the total number of examples retrieved from her corpus. This is followed by a discussion about the meaning and the degree of grammaticalization, determined by the number of VP criteria fulfilled.

All the above-mentioned studies agree that aspectual VPs may be divided into four main classes —phase, imperfective, perfect and telic (see Table 1 below)— each containing various subclasses, except for telics. Phase VPs refer to the point at which an event is located within its temporal development, such as the beginning or the end. In imperfective VPs, the event is seen “from within” (Comrie 1976: 24). Perfect VPs focus on “the time period that follows the termination or culmination of the eventuality” (Fábregas 2019: 69). Finally, telic VPs present the event as completed (from beginning to end). García Fernández (2006) proposes three subclasses for phase (inchoative, progressive and terminative), four for imperfective (continuous, habitual, inchoative and progressive) and two for perfect (continuative and resultative) VPs. In the present study, we will follow the classification shown in Table 1 below, which is mainly based on García Fernández’s (2006) classification, with three differences. The first difference is that García Fernández (2006) classifies as one single class two subclasses which, in the present study (cf. Table 1) are treated as different, namely egressive VPs (cesar/dejar/parar de inf ‘cease inf/ger; stop ger; stop ger’) and terminative VPs (acabar de inf 1 ‘finish inf’ and terminar de inf ‘finish inf’). This is so because there is a crucial difference between the two subclasses (cf. Havu 1997: 197) that may influence the factual status of the VPs: in egressive VPs, the end of the situation is not natural, and so this is presented as interrupted, whereas in terminative VPs, the end is natural and the situation is presented as culminated. The second difference is that García Fernández (2006) groups together in the inchoative phase subclass what Havu (1997) and Topor (2011) consider the inceptive phase (comenzar a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’, echar a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’, empezar a inf, ponerse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’) and imperfective inchoative VPs (quedarse gerverb in progressive tense form’). The distinction between them is that, although both indicate the beginning of a situation, in inchoative VPs the focus is on the fact that the situation is durative. Finally, the third difference is that García Fernández (2006) considers pasar a inf ‘move on inf’ a discursive marker of continuity, while Topor (2011) regards it as phasal, more specifically an ingressive auxiliary, presenting the end of a situation and the beginning of a new one.



Meaning and examples



The focus is on the end of the situation, which is presented as interrupted.

Cesar de inf, dejar de inf, parar de inf.


The focus is on the beginning of the situation.

Comenzar a inf, echar a inf, empezar a inf, ponerse a inf.


The end of a situation and the beginning of a new one is presented.

Pasar a inf.


The focus is on a moment prior to the beginning of the situation.

Estar a punto de inf, estar por inf, ir a inf, tardar en inf.


The focus is on the natural end of the situation.

Acabar de inf 1, terminar de inf.



Situation presented as occurring before and after the moment of speech.

Continuar ger, ir ger, seguir ger.


The situation is presented as a habit.

Acostumbrar (a) inf, soler inf.


The beginning of a durative situation is presented.

Quedarse ger


The focus is on a point in the development of the situation.

Andar ger, estar ger.



The focus is on a situation from the beginning up to a central point-

Llevar ger, venir ger.


The focus is on the result after the finished situation.

Acabar de inf 2, venir part.


The situation is presented as totally completed.

Coger y verb, ir y verb.

Table 1: Classification of aspectual VPs (based on García Fernández 2006)5

Regarding the periphrases selected for the study, we follow Topor (2011), whose work has been the foundation of a trilingual dictionary of periphrases.6 We have however excluded the following auxiliaries: i) llevar partverb in progressive tense form’ and tener part ‘have Direct Object part’, because they are highly defective; ii) volver a infverb again’, because we consider it discursive and not aspectual; and iii) meterse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’, because it is not used in European Spanish. We have completed the list with three additional aspectual VPs taken from García Fernández (2006): echar a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’, venir partverb in passive voice’ and ir y verb ‘up and verb’.

To our knowledge, no studies on the influence of aspectual auxiliaries on the interpretation of the factual status of predicates have been carried out. In contrast, modal auxiliaries have been largely studied since they are considered to express epistemic knowledge, which belongs to the branch of modality directly related to factuality (Portner 2009). Similarly, in the field of corpus annotation, more specifically in the annotation of factuality, the information provided by modal verbs is included in every annotation guide, since modal verbs play a relevant role in the tagging process. However, no particular attention has been paid to aspectual verbs. Exceptionally, in some annotated corpus, like FactBank (Saurí and Pustejovsky 2009) or SIBILA (Wonsever et al. 2008), a project about the annotation of factuality in Spanish based on FactBank (see Wonsever et al. 2016), the information provided by verbs that are considered to express aspectual information lexically is reported, but just for a few cases.

In both FactBank and SIBILA, this type of verb is identified as an autonomous event and, consequently, the auxiliary is tagged independently from the main verb. For example, in SIBILA, in the expressions empezar a correr ‘start running’ or parar de correr ‘stop running’, the aspectual verbs are tagged with the label aspect and correr ‘run’ is tagged as occurence. However, the two verbs are related to one another, e.g., in FactBank the verb start and the predicate that follows it are linked by the label initiates.

Nonetheless, as explained above, in Spanish, the combinations of these two verbs are considered VPs, and aspectual verbs are considered verb auxiliaries; in other words, they are not considered autonomous or main verbs. The reason for this is that when aspectual verbs modify other predicates, they do not behave as regular main verbs, but add aspectual meaning (i.e., grammatical) to the main verb, which is the one contributing the lexical meaning. In our project, TAGFACT, we have decided to annotate the two verbs together, and deal with them as a single unit while associating just one factual tag to the verb group. Consequently, if the aspectual auxiliary conveys information related to factuality, something that we want to explore in this paper, it should be considered in the process of annotation.

3. Methodology

To carry out the study, we followed five steps. The first was to select the aspectual auxiliaries to analyze, together with their classification, which yielded 28 VPs grouped in four classes and 12 subclasses, as was shown in Table 1 (cf. Section 2).7 As shall be shown in Section 4 (cf. Tables 4–6), within these 12 subclasses, VPs are further subdivided according to their meaning, so that new groups are created. Some of these groups consist of just one item while others assemble several auxiliaries together. Overall, we have 18 groups; for example, within the class of inceptive VPs, two groups are defined: a group for echar/ponerse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’ and another one for comenzar/empezar a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’.

The second step was to establish the tagset to annotate event factuality. We used the TAGFACT’s proposal (Vázquez and Fernández-Montraveta 2020), which follows Saurí and Pustejovsky’s (2009) and Diab et al.’s (2009) projects. Thus, events were annotated regarding four categories: commitment, polarity, time and type of event (dynamicity). Each of these categories was assigned different values and each predicate (whenever factual annotation was applicable) was tagged with a combination of them, e.g., commitment + positive + past + event, which is the most typical combination. To allow the comparison of our results with those in other corpora, the researchers of the TAGFACT project simplified the results and translated each possible combination into just one label (Vázquez and Fernández-Montraveta 2020). The simplified list of tags which are used is shown below.

A) Fact (F), which includes events —as in (1)— and states referring to the present or past presented by the narrator as having happened. This label also includes absolute truths and actions presented as habitual, as in (2) and (3) respectively.

1. Se fijó en las aceitunas machacadas y cogió y se comió dos de golpe. (CORPES)

‘He/she noticed the crushed olives up and ate two simultaneously’.

2. El hombre se ha solido erigir como la autoridad religiosa para determinar lo lícito o lo ilícito. (NOW)

‘Man has typically considered himself the religious authority to determine what is licit and what is not’.

3. Pekín sigue calificando a Taiwán de provincia rebelde. (SenSem)

‘Beijing keeps qualifying Taiwan as a rebel province’.

Here it is worth noticing that truths (cf. 2) and habitual actions (cf. 3) do not refer to any particular event that happens at a specific place and time. Absolute truths are situations that are true for a community while habitual actions describe an iteration of events. In this sense, some authors understand that in habitual actions more than one action is predicated (Mendikoetxea 1999; Fernández-Montraveta and Vázquez 2017). We decided to tag examples such as (2) and (3) as fact since they refer to real situations that took place, at least once, independently of future repetitions.

B) Counterfact (CF), which refers to all the events and situations that are presented as not having occurred:

4. Pues Carlos iba a hacer un coulant pero le salió un bizcocho seco.8 (NOW)

‘Carlos was going to make a coulant but it turned out to a dry sponge cake’.

C) Underspecified (U), which we use to tag events and states referred to future events or to a present or past situation described by the narrator as possible or probable to a greater or a lesser degree, as shown in (5). In our proposal, future events are categorized as uncertain because this temporal dimension is intrinsically related to doubt to a larger or smaller extent. Thus, like in most studies dealing with this type of semantic annotation (Saurí and Pustejovsky 2009; Soni et al. 2014; Minard et al. 2016, among others), future events are placed together with uncertain present or past events.

5. Los autores ya andarán buscando otros lugares donde resarcirse. (CORPES)

‘The authors must already be looking for other places to make up for’.

D) Non-applicable (NA), which is used in wishes, hypotheses, orders, questions, suggestions, and all situations which are part of an imaginary world and are not relevant for factuality.

6. En el peor escenario los ciudadanos empezarían a vender viviendas provocando una gran caída de precios. (NOW)

‘In the worst-case scenario, people would start selling homes causing prices to fall sharply’.

The third step was to establish default factuality values for each VP, based on semantics and tense, as shown in Table 2. Present and past tenses are associated to fact, future tenses to underspecified and conditional to unreal situations (non-applicable). Only some egressive and prospective VPs have been assigned a different value for present and past.







































































Table 2: Hypothesized behavior of aspectual auxiliaries

As can be seen in Table 2, future and conditional tenses are predicted to have a uniform value, independently of the semantics of each VP. All events in the future are expected to be underspecified, given that there is not enough information to determine whether they have taken place. As for conditional tenses, they are typically used to refer to wishes and hypothetical situations, hence the non-applicable label is postulated (Real Academia Española 2009: 1778).

As for present and past tenses, phase auxiliaries behave differently depending on their meaning. First, egressive VPs are complex —that is, they indicate that a situation stops, which means that they were true (fact) prior to their end, but they are no longer true at the time of reference (counterfact). Thus, we have predicted a counterfact value since these VPs focus on the cessation of the action. In contrast, terminative VPs also denote that the situation is finished, but the focus is on the final phase of that situation, and hence we have hypothesized a fact value. Second, prospective VPs in the present were labeled underspecified because they refer to future situations, whereas the VPs in past tenses tend to express a failed attempt, and so they have been assigned the value counterfact. The remaining phase VPs, as well as imperfective, perfect and telic VPs, are expected to describe facts in the present and in the past.

The fourth step consisted of the retrieval of examples of the aspectual VPs under study from the NOW corpus, the Corpus del Español: Genre/Historical, CORPES and SenSem in their subsection of texts in Spanish (cf. Section 1). Only affirmative indicative clauses were collected, and the journalistic register was the most frequent register analyzed (even though there are some literary examples as well). As for subordinate clauses, only relatives and adversatives were considered since it has been shown that the factuality of the main clause does not affect their own factuality (Saurí 2008). When insufficient examples were attested in the corpora, these were taken from other online Spanish newspapers.

For each of the 18 groups of VPs, five examples of indicative tenses were randomly collected: simple present, present perfect, past imperfective, past perfect, past perfective, past anterior, simple future, perfect future, simple conditional and perfect conditional. These five examples were distributed as evenly as possible between the different auxiliaries in each group. Obviously, some auxiliaries were more frequent and easier to retrieve while some combinations were not found. However, the analysis of the frequency of the various auxiliaries is not part of the objectives of the present study.

All in all, we analyzed 674 sentences, but it was not possible to find examples for certain tenses, especially for the past anterior, as this combines with terminative VPs only. The distribution by tenses is presented in Table 3. All the other tenses have a similar distribution (from 71 to 90 sentences), except for the future perfect and conditional perfect (51 and 56 examples, respectively). The simple present (90 sentences), the past imperfective (90 sentences) and the past perfective (84 sentences) are the most frequent tenses.


Number of sentences


Number of sentences

Simple present


Past anterior


Present perfect


Simple future


Past imperfective


Future perfect


Past perfect


Simple conditional


Past perfective


Conditional perfect


Table 3: Distribution of tenses analyzed in the corpus

The fifth and final step was the annotation of the sentences with respect to their factual value. First, for each sentence, the VP was assigned a factuality label by three annotators. The assignment was based on the whole context in which the sentence occurred, the meaning of the auxiliary plus the meaning of the lexical verb, the tense and any other relevant aspects. A consensus was reached in controversial examples. As discussed in Section 2, unlike in other proposals, our study considers the main verb together with the auxiliary and, therefore, only one factual value is assigned to the whole structure, understanding that there is only one event, rather than two, modified by the auxiliary (Topor 2011). Likewise, whenever necessary, each sentence was rewritten and reannotated without the aspectual auxiliary, to analyze how ‘transparent’ VPs are in relation to factuality (see our first hypothesis in Section 1).

4. Results and discussion

This section explores to what extent aspectual auxiliaries modify the factual status of predicates. It provides the results of comparing the values predicted for the 12 subclasses of aspectual VPs in each of the ten tenses of the indicative mood with the tagging of the examples analyzed and how these predictions vary, if they do, when the auxiliary is deleted.

Sections 4.1 (phase), 4.2 (imperfective) and 4.3 (perfect and telic) discuss the results for each class. Section 4.4 offers general remarks about the homogeneity of the behavior observed with respect to factual values. In other words, we analyze to what extent the factual values of the different groups in each tense are constant or if, by contrast, there is too much variability to draw any definite conclusion regarding the formalization of rules.

A total of 50 sentences per group was expected: five examples for each tense and group, and ten tenses. However, it was not always possible to retrieve examples for each combination (see Section 3). The class that shows the lowest frequency is the telic class (19 examples), whereas the class with the highest frequency is the egressive one (45 examples). Out of the 18 groups under analysis, 11 groups are exemplified by at least 40 sentences. A total of 674 sentences were analyzed, distributed as follows: 365 for phase VPs (five subclasses, nine groups and 15 VPs), 189 for imperfective (four subclasses, five groups and eight VPs), 101 for perfect (two subclasses, three groups and four VPs) and 19 for telic (two VPs).

As for the tenses with the lowest number of examples, the past anterior was only attested with the auxiliary acabar de inf 1 ‘finish inf’ and terminar de inf ‘finish inf’ (terminative VPs), and the conditional and future perfect, which were not found with estar a punto de inf ‘be about to inf’, ir a inf ‘be going to inf’, coger y verb ‘up and verb’, ir y verb ‘up and verb’, andar gerverb in progressive tense form + always’ and quedarse gerverb in progressive tense form’. This low frequency is in line with the incidence of these tenses in general language (Troya Déniz 2007: 593).

Most of our predictions regarding factual values (Table 1) were confirmed. However, our association of conditional tenses (both simple and perfect) with the value non-applicable for all VPs, regardless of the subclass, does not hold in all cases. We assumed that conditional tenses mostly describe desired and hypothetical situations (non-applicable). However, conditional tenses can also be used to express future actions (underspecified) or to present future events narrated in the present or the past (fact, counterfact). In fact, the examples showed that it is not possible to establish a predominant use, that is, a default value.

In what follows, results are considered for each group of VPs independently, and only those cases in which the prediction is not met —or some special behavior is observed— will be discussed.

4.1 Phase VPs

Table 4 shows the data for sentences with a phase VP. From a quantitative perspective, and in relation to the use of VPs in different tenses, some special cases concerning perfect tenses in combination with the prospective VP ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ are observed. According to García Fernández (2006: 179), this VP is incompatible with all perfect tenses, including the past perfective. Nevertheless, examples of the periphrastic use of ir a inf are attested in the past perfective in our corpus, as shown in (7):

7. Fue a echarse entonces mano al móvil, pero se frenó: no; había cosas que se decían sólo en persona aunque tuvieran que esperar. (CORPES)

‘Then he was about to reach for his cell phone, but stopped himself: no, there were things that could only be said in person, even if they had to wait’.









Cesar/ dejar/

parar de inf


ponerse a inf

Comenzar/empezar a inf

Pasar a inf

Estar a punto de inf

Ir a inf

Estar por inf

Tardar en inf

Acabar de inf 1/ terminar de inf

Simple present











Present perfect












Past imperfective












Past perfect











Past perfective











Past anterior






















Future perfect











Simple conditional















Conditional perfect






















Table 4: Factuality values for Phase VPs in the corpus

There are other special cases in relation to phase VPs. There are two examples with one sentence annotated as underspecified, when they were expected to depict fact. This is the case in all inceptive VPs echar/ponerse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’ (8a) and comenzar/empezar a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’ (9a). As the examples show, both sentences refer to a future planned event (which is one of the potential uses of the simple present) and this would also be true without the periphrastic auxiliary (as in examples (8b) and (9b)).

8a. El Director de FERCAM terminó comentando que a partir de mañana se pone a trabajar en la 57 Edición.9

‘The Director of FERCAM ended by remarking that as of tomorrow he will start working on the 57th Edition’.

8b. El Director de FERCAM terminó comentando que a partir de mañana trabajará en la 57 Edición.

‘The Director of FERCAM ended by remarking that from tomorrow he will work on the 57th Edition’.

9a. Esta es una de las consideraciones del borrador de contrato-programa que hoy comienza a analizar el consejo de administración del ente. (SenSem)

‘This is one of the considerations of the program contract draft that the entity’s board of directors begins to analyze today’.

9b. Esta es una de las consideraciones del borrador de contrato-programa que hoy analiza el consejo de administración del ente.

‘This is one of the considerations of the program contract draft that the entity’s board of directors is analyzing today’.

In addition, the prospective VP tardar en inf ‘take time inf’, as a member of this subclass of phase VPs, was expected to involve underspecified as the interpretation value for this present tense. However, the results show that this was never the case. To start with, four out of the five collected examples were tagged as fact. These four examples do not really describe a standard fact but a habitual action (10), also considered fact in the present analysis (see Section 3).

10a. Las catedrales tardan en construirse siglos, tardan en reconstruirse años, décadas. (NOW)

‘Cathedrals take centuries to build, years, decades to rebuild’.

10b. Las catedrales se construyen en siglos, se reconstruyen en años, décadas.

‘Cathedrals are built in centuries, rebuilt in years, in decades’.

Secondly, the other examples were tagged as Counterfact (11). The prospective value of the auxiliary tardar en ‘take time inf differs slightly from the other VPs in this group as, rather than presenting a future event, it focuses on the period before, where it is not accomplished yet. If the auxiliary would not have been there, the sentence would have been completely different, so it can be stated that it is not transparent in the present when the interpretation is not habitual, since with the auxiliary the predicate is Counterfact (11) and, without it, it would be fact.

11. Ahora sujetan fuerte entre esos dedos el billete que acaban de regalarles. Los 20 minutos que tarda en arrancar este tren se hacen eternos. (NOW)

‘Now they hold tightly in their fingers the ticket they have just been given. The 20 minutes this train takes to start last forever’.

Some of our initial hypotheses were not met for some examples in the past imperfective, past perfective and past perfect of prospective VPs. For example, we expected sentences in the past imperfective to merely express counterfact, but different values were rather attested: for instance, examples (12a), (13a) and (14) illustrate the use of ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ with, fact, underspecified and counterfact values, respectively. In (12a) it is used to refer to a past event, in (13a) to a future event and in (14) to a situation that did not happen.

12a. Tarde o temprano iba a pasar, Violeta y Julen tenían que verse las caras después de que ella decidiera romper con la relación. (NOW)

‘Sooner or later, it was going to happen, Violeta and Julen had to meet face to face after she decided to break off the relationship’.

12b. Tarde o temprano ? pasaba, Violeta y Julen tenían que verse las caras (...).

‘Sooner or later ? it happened, Violeta and Julen had to face each other (...)’.

13a. … en contra de la ley del matrimonio gay que iba a ser aprobada por el Congreso. (NOW)

‘... against the gay marriage law that was to be approved by Congress’.

13b. (...) en contra de la ley del matrimonio gay que ? era aprobada por el Congreso.

‘(...) against the gay marriage law that ? was approved by the Congress’.

14. Nicolás fue a hablar, pero Teresa le hizo el gesto del silencio. (CORPES)

‘Nicolás was about to speak, but Teresa signaled him to keep quiet’.

The examples below illustrate the auxiliary estar por inf ‘be about to inf’ in the past imperfective. Here, counterfact —the expected value— is the most frequent value identified (see example 15a), except for example (16a), where the value underspecified is attested.

15a. Estaba por continuar el recuento de mis peripecias cuando el doctor Soldevila se asomó a la puerta del despacho con aspecto cansado y resoplando. (CORPES)

‘I was about to go on the account of my adventures when Dr. Soldevila appeared at the office door looking tired and snorting’.

15b. Continuaba el recuento de mis peripecias cuando el doctor Soldevila se asomó a la puerta del despacho con aspecto cansado y resoplando.

‘I went on with the account of my adventures when Dr. Soldevila appeared at the office door looking tired and snorting’.

16a. Entonces llamé al tipo. Yo estaba por escribir una nota romántica sobre cómo eran los pueblos indígenas. (NOW)

‘Then I called the guy. I was about to write a romantic note about what indigenous people were like’.

16b. Entonces llamé al tipo. Yo? escribía una nota romántica sobre cómo eran los pueblos indígenas.

‘Then I called the guy. I was writing a romantic note about how the indigenous people were’.

According to García Fernández (2006: 157–158), estar por inf ‘be about to inf’ tends to occur with imperfective tenses but our data show that it may also occur with the present perfect and the past perfective. However, in contrast to García Fernández’s claim that the combination of this VP with present perfect and past perfective expresses an attempt (conatus), that is, underspecified, in most of our examples with these two tenses the value is counterfact.

These last two VPs, ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ and estar por inf ‘be about to inf’, together with other elements in the context, determine the factual value of the predicate and, thus, are not transparent, as can be seen in (12b) and (13b) above, a rephrasing of (12a) and (13a), without the auxiliary. In the case of ir a inf, deleting the auxiliary makes the sentences ungrammatical in (12b) and (13b). As for estar por inf ‘be about to inf’, the factuality of the sentence changes and the underspecified interpretation becomes fact in both (15b) and (16b).

In the case of tardar en inf ‘take time inf’, the VP also presents a different factual behavior in relation to the rest of VPs in this subclass in the past. It was expected to describe counterfact when referring to past situations, but this is only attested in three cases in the past imperfective (17), while all other sentences in the past were assigned the fact value (18).

17. Pero el comunicado tardaba en salir del horno. (NOW)

‘But the communication took a long time to come out of the oven’.

18. La defensa alemana, dormida, tardó en reaccionar. (NOW)

‘The sleepy German defense was slow to react’.

Regarding future tenses, ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ (prospective) in the simple future, we have not found affirmative sentences for this VP in this tense, that is, the only sentences attested are both negative and interrogative, as shown in example (19) below. In fact, these kinds of sentences are rhetorical and do not pose real questions, as can be seen in (20), where no question marks are used. Furthermore, in all cases, the meaning of this VP is actually different from the periphrastic use of ir a inf. When used in interrogative (and negative) sentences, it adds an element of disbelief or emphasis to the basic prospective meaning. In this context, it could be considered an idiomatic expression with the meaning of ‘I expect you not to do something’.

19. ¿No me irás a fallar ahora? (CORPES)

‘You won’t fail me now, right?’.

20. No irás a hacerte la víctima. No lo soporto. (CORPES)

‘(I hope that) you’re not going to play the victim. I can’t stand it’.

For the future tense, in general, our prediction was that both the simple future and the future perfect would behave in the same way and would be associated with the underspecified factual value. However, our sentences for the VPs echar/ponerse a inf ‘begin/start inf/ger’ (a group of inceptive VPs) show a different behavior with the future perfect, where we found four sentences exemplifying underspecified (22) —the expected value— and one with a fact meaning (21a).

21a. ¡Qué sé yo las veces que Fernanda se habrá puesto a tomarme el pelo, llamándome la devora libros! (CORPES)

‘I don’t know how many times Fernanda must have started to tease me, calling me the book devourer!’

21b. ¡Qué sé yo las veces que Fernanda me habrá tomado el pelo, llamándome la devora libros!

‘I don’t know how many times Fernanda must have teased me, calling me the book devourer!’

22. Habrá gente que se habrá puesto a pitar y todo en medio del atasco. (NOW)

‘Some people will have even started to honk in the middle of the traffic jam’.

Example (21a), annotated as fact, has a habitual reading (focalized in the past) because of the expression Qué se yo las veces que…! ‘I don’t know how many times’. This expression is responsible for the interpretation of the event, which is introduced as something that actually occurred. It is clear that the event did happen in the past on a repeated basis, and the uncertainty typically associated with the future perfect is lost. What the reader does not know is the exact number of times that it took place. Actually, the annotation would be the same without the periphrastic auxiliary, as can be seen in (21b), since it is a feature of the habitual construction. In fact, this would have also been the case if the same expression had been used in (22).

Finally, as regards conditional tenses, they behave in different ways (cf. Table 3). This is exemplified in sentences with the egressive subclass, where the rich casuistry is present both in the simple conditional and in the perfect conditional. In (23a), we find an example of an unreal situation (non-applicable) in the simple conditional, i.e., an event that depends on a condition. As for (24a), also in the simple conditional, it exemplifies a fact: an affirmative future situation from a past perspective, so we know it has actually happened. In (25a), there is a negative situation narrated from the past using conditional perfect (counterfact). Finally, instance (26a), also in the conditional perfect, exemplifies an underspecified event whose factual status is unclear since it expresses a possibility. In all these cases, the trigger for these interpretations is the verb tense. Therefore, the periphrastic auxiliary does not play a role in establishing the factual status of the sentences, that is, it is transparent, as can be seen in (23b–26b).

23a. Si el cuerpo no estuviese animado por el alma, cesaría de existir. (NOW)

‘If the body were not animated by the soul, it would cease to exist’.

23b. Si el cuerpo no estuviese animado por el alma, no existiría.

‘If the body were not animated by the soul, it would not exist’.

24a. Toñi dejaría de presentar Viva La Vida para dejar paso a Emma García. (NOW)

‘Toñi would stop presenting Viva La Vida to make way for Emma García’.

24b. Toñi ya no presentaría Viva La Vida para dejar paso a Emma García.

‘Toñi would no longer present Viva La Vida to make way for Emma García’.

25a. La penúltima causa estudia la venta de parcelas municipales, por la que el ayuntamiento andaluz habría dejado de ingresar 6,4 millones. (CORPES)

‘The penultimate case studies the sale of municipal plots, for which the Andalusian city council would have stopped receiving 6.4 million’.

25b. La penúltima causa estudia la venta de parcelas municipales, por la que el ayuntamiento andaluz no habría ingresado 6,4 millones.

‘The penultimate case studies the sale of municipal plots, for which the Andalusian city council would not have received 6.4 million’.

26a. La mitad de ellas habría dejado de usarla en 2002 al conocer sus potenciales efectos secundarios. (CORPES)

‘Half of them would have stopped using it in 2002 when they learned of its potential side effects’.

26b. La mitad de ellas ya no la usaría en 2002 al conocer sus potenciales efectos secundarios.

‘Half of them would no longer use it in 2002 when they learned of its potential side effects’.

All cases were tagged as underspecified for estar a punto de inf ‘be about to inf’, in both conditional tenses (27), and for ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ only in the simple conditional (28).

27. Un avión italiano habría estado a punto de estrellarse con un ovni en 1991.10

‘An Italian plane was reportedly on the verge of crashing into a UFO in 1991’.

28. A continuación me expuso su plan: (...) Alicia se iría a vivir con su hijo a la calle de las Carolinas. (CORPES)

‘He then told me his plan: (...) Alicia would go to live with her son on Carolina street’.

4.2 Imperfective VPs

Table 5 shows the distribution and behavior of imperfective VPs in our corpus. As for the distribution of tenses, no examples in the past anterior were attested. This was also the case in the future and conditional perfect with the VP quedarse gerverb in progressive tense form’ and in the simple conditional for andar ger ‘verb in progressive tense form + always’. As for the simple future in these last two VPs, we could not find all five sentences. Finally, regarding andar ger, the same was found for present and past perfect.









Continuar/ir/seguir ger

Acostumbrar (a)/

soler inf

Quedarse ger





















Past imperfective















































Simple conditional







Conditional perfect














Table 5: Imperfective VPs

When it comes to the factual values for imperfective VPs, they were all expected to show fact in present and past tenses. Future tenses, as mentioned before, are predicted to present situations as underspecified (29). All these expectations were fulfilled for all subclasses and all VPs, as can be seen in Table 5.

29a. Hoy no iré a comer, o me quedaré trabajando hasta muy tarde. (CORPES)

‘I won’t go to lunch today, or I’ll be working late’.

29b. Hoy no iré a comer, o trabajaré hasta muy tarde.

‘Today I will not go to eat, or I will work until very late’.

As mentioned above, conditional tenses are used in different contexts in Spanish. In the case of imperfective VPs, we found three possible uses: i) presenting unreal situations (desires or conditions), tagged as non-applicable (30a), ii) depicting present situations narrated from the past, when they can express either fact (31a) or counterfact and iii) when the factual status is unclear (32a), tagged as underspecified.

As for transparency, we can say that the role of the auxiliaries of this class is not crucial in any tense since the factual value remains the same, as shown in (28b)–(32b).

30a. Rayo McQueen es adorado por millones de niños, que si tuvieran que escoger entre perder su coche de juguete o a su abuelita, se quedarían pensando un rato. (CORPES)

‘Lightning McQueen is adored by millions of children who, if they had to choose between losing their toy car or their grandmother, would think it over’.

30b. Rayo McQueen es adorado por millones de niños, que si tuvieran que escoger entre perder su coche de juguete o a su abuelita, pensarían un rato.

‘Lightning McQueen is adored by millions of children, who if they had to choose between losing their toy car or their grandmother, they would think for a while’.

31a. El contenido y duración iría variando a lo largo del siglo XIX. (NOW)

‘The content and duration would vary throughout the 19th century’.

31b. El contenido y duración variaría a lo largo del siglo XIX.

‘The content and duration would vary throughout the 19th century’.

32a. Si lo llego a saber, se habría quedado vendiendo máquina de batidos. (NOW)

‘If I had known, she would have been selling smoothie makers’.

32b. Hunj Li, de 44 años, habría conversado con un socio y con otro amigo de la misma nacionalidad, quienes fueron los primeros arrestados por la Policía.

‘Hunj Li, 44, was reportedly talking with an associate and another friend of the same nationality, who were the first to be arrested by the police’.

4.3 Perfect and telic VPs

Table 6 shows the data regarding perfect and telic VPs. It can be noticed that, as was the case with other VPs discussed above, no examples in the past anterior were attested, and examples in the future perfect were not frequent either. In perfect VPs there is a higher degree of defectivity than in phase and imperfective VPs: with the exception of the simple present and the past imperfective, it was not possible to retrieve five examples for other tenses. The group of telic VPs is particularly noticeable in this respect, and we could only retrieve full representation of these VPs for three tenses out of ten. This is probably because they are typically used in oral Spanish production (Topor 2011: 226).




Total perfect








Acabar de

inf 2

















Past imperfective









































Simple conditional






Conditional perfect












Table 6: Perfect and telic VPs

Overall, the data fulfill the expected results for perfect and telic VPs: present (33a) and past (34a) express fact and future tenses (35a) underspecified, and these expectations are met, as can be seen in Table 6. In all these cases, the auxiliary is transparent, that is, the factual value is related to the tense, as can be seen in the (33b–35b).

33a. La carta de cese fulminante viene firmada por el nuevo director de Radio Nacional, Raúl Heitzmann. (NOW)

‘The termination letter is signed by the new director of Radio Nacional, Raúl Heitzmann’.

33b. La carta de cese fulminante está firmada por el nuevo director de Radio Nacional, Raúl Heitzmann.11

‘The letter of termination is signed by the new director of Radio Nacional, Raúl Heitzmann’.

34a. El mercado de la vivienda ha acabado de aterrizar y a partir de ahora se espera una subida de precios. (NOW)

‘The housing market has just landed and from now on a price increase is expected’.

34b. El mercado de la vivienda ha aterrizado y a partir de ahora se espera una subida de precios.

‘The housing market has landed and from now on prices are expected to rise’.

35a. Presidente, te estará llegando el visitante, que algo vendrá pidiendo… (CORPES)

‘President, the visitor will be coming to you; he will be asking for something…’.

35b. Presidente, te llegará el visitante, que algo pedirá…

‘President, the visitor will come to you; he will be asking for something…’.

As for conditional tenses, they present fewer labels, since we find fact in the resultative VP venir partverb in passive voice’ (36a) and all other groups present an underspecified interpretation (37a, 38a). Furthermore, the perfect conditional always keeps the underspecified value.

These auxiliaries behave again with transparency in conditional tenses, as can be seen in examples (36b–38b), where the same factual values are kept. The translation into English would in fact be the same and the meaning of approximation contributed by the auxiliary would be lost.

36a. La primera etapa vendría marcada por una época de esplendor, cuando obtuvo el rango colegial durante el reinado de Sancho IV (...) (CORPES)

‘The first stage would be marked by a period of splendor, when it obtained the collegiate rank during the reign of Sancho IV (...)’.

36b. La primera etapa estaría marcada por una época de esplendor, cuando obtuvo el rango colegial durante el reinado de Sancho IV…

‘The first stage would be marked by a period of splendor, when it obtained the collegiate rank during the reign of Sancho IV…’.

37a. Estas enfermedades vendrían derivadas de los fuertes cambios climáticos que experimentaba el planeta. (NOW)

‘These illnesses were probably derived from the strong climatic changes that the planet was experiencing’.

37b. Estas enfermedades se derivarían de los fuertes cambios climáticos que experimentaba el planeta.

‘These illnesses were probably due to the strong climatic changes that the planet was experiencing’.

38a. Un censo único europeo acabaría de resolverlo. (NOW)

‘A single European census would solve the problem’.

38b. Un censo único europeo lo resolvería.

‘A single European census would solve the problem’.

4.4 Homogeneity of factual values

Here we discuss to what extent there is variability in the factual values of the different groups of VPs and tenses. If there is variability, the prediction of a factual interpretation would be difficult and, consequently, the formalization of rules would be challenging.

Broadly speaking, the array of factual interpretations is quite homogeneous in most cases in our data. In particular, nine out of the 18 VP groups under study show a unique factual interpretation in all the examples collected in our corpus. Three groups show several interpretations for at least in one tense and the group that shows the highest diversity displays it in three tenses. The class of phase auxiliaries is clearly the most complex class, with more variability from a factual point of view. In the other two classes of VPs, the behavior is homogeneous except for conditional tenses, especially the simple conditional.

As for phase VPs, the only stable VP is estar a punto de inf ‘be about to inf’, with no variety of annotations whatsoever. Secondly, ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ and pasar a inf ‘move on inf’ only show two possible interpretations in the past imperfective, the former, and in simple conditional, the latter. Thirdly, acabar de inf 1 ‘finish inf’ and terminar de inf ‘finish inf’ show two possible tags in two tenses, namely the present perfect and the simple conditional. All other phase auxiliaries show multiple interpretations in three tenses (normally conditional tenses, past imperfective or present). The behavior of imperfective VPs is more homogenous: there are deviations from the expected behavior in two out of five groups (continuous and habitual VPs), but in both cases these differences are attested in conditional tenses only. Regarding perfect and telic VPs, they constitute the most homogeneous classes. There is only one case with more than one interpretation, namely venir partverb in passive voice’, in the simple conditional. In the remaining VPs and tenses of these classes, the behavior is completely homogeneous.

The second aspect that was analyzed is tenses. All of them show more than one interpretation, except for the simple future, which is always labeled with just one tag. The simple present has several interpretations and we have identified all values for it except for non-applicable. The same holds for the past imperfective, even though the tag underspecified is rare. The present perfect, the past perfect and the past perfective only present two possibilities: fact (the most common) or counterfact. As for the future perfect, also two tags were identified: underspecified (the most common) and fact. The label non-applicable is restricted to conditional tenses only, and the simple conditional is the one with the highest number of possible interpretations (all four tags).

5. Conclusions

The present study is part of the TAGFACT project, whose aim is to create a tool for automatically annotating the factuality of predicates. Our main objective has been to prove the relevance of aspectual auxiliaries for the factuality of the sentences in which they appear. We grouped aspectual VPs in four classes, 12 subclasses and 18 groups and analyzed their behavior in 674 sentences. Whenever possible, the examples were equally distributed between the ten indicative tenses included in the study.

Regarding our first hypothesis that, in Spanish, the addition of an aspectual auxiliary to the predicate may change its factuality, the study has shown that this is only partially true. From a quantitative point of view, the relevance is low, since out of the 28 VPs in our study, only six auxiliaries actually modify factuality.

As for the second hypothesis, we expected the assignment of a default value for each subclass of VPs to be possible. The corpus analysis proved that this was the case in most sentences, taking into account that tense plays a part in the pre-assignment of factual values. A total of 48 predictions were formulated (Table 1). Only 11 of the labels that were predicted (22.92%) fail to meet the hypothetical values. In fact, 10 out of these 11 unexpected labels correspond to the two conditional tenses, which have proven to be the most complex ones as regards the prediction of a value. That is, the non-applicable value that we proposed for these two tenses was clearly an oversimplification. Even in some VPs (terminative, progressive, continuative or resultative) none of the sentences with these tenses in the study was tagged as non-applicable. It can therefore be concluded that no by-default factual value can be assigned to these two tenses.

Another non-predicted label is that assigned to the past of prospective VPs, where the expected counterfact only fits 51.56 percent of the examples analyzed. Almost half of the examples show a different value. A more in-depth analysis shows that in tardar en inf ‘take time inf’ none of the 20 sentences in the past tense were tagged as counterfact. Furthermore, in the present tense, this subclass was predicted to express an underspecified value, which was never the case, as shown by the data. Our proposal is to set apart the case of tardar en inf from the rest of prospective VPs, since it behaves differently from a factual perspective.

Our third hypothesis, namely, that tense plays a more prominent role in determining the factual value, is confirmed in the data analyzed. For example, in present and past tenses, the factual value of the auxiliary is only relevant for two phase VPs (egressive and prospective). For the other phase subclasses (inceptive, ingressive and terminative), tense determines factuality. As for the future tense, only four out of 126 sentences have not been tagged as underspecified, and they correspond to inceptive and prospective VPs. As regards the conditional, the nature of this tense allows different options with respect to factuality in all VPs, except for inchoative.

On the basis of the corpus data, we can conclude that it is feasible to create general rules to automate the annotation for the majority of the aspectual VPs studied. In present and past tenses, the most common factual value is fact for affirmative sentences (if polarity was negative the factual value would be counterfact), whereas in future tenses the most common factual value is underspecified. Specific rules can be suggested for the egressive VPs cesar de inf ‘cease inf/ger’, dejar de inf ‘stop ger’, and the prospective VPs estar a punto de inf ‘be about to inf’, ir a inf ‘be going to inf’ and estar por inf ‘be about to inf’ in the present and the past. In the case of tardar en inf ‘take time inf’, this is also true for the simple present and the past imperfective, but only when it is not a habitual interpretation.

As regards verb tenses, very few instances do not follow the expected behavior. This is the case of inceptive VPs that, occasionally, show a different value in the present (other than fact) and future (other than underspecified). Also, some cases of prospective VPs in the present and in some past tenses display a different value (other than the expected underspecified and counterfact, respectively).

In summary, it can be concluded that the combination of the factual status of aspectual VPs and verb tenses allows the prediction of verbal behavior and the implementation of rules based on this information. Nevertheless, it should also be acknowledged that the present study was carried with a limited number of examples for each tense, so it may be advisable to expand the study with the analysis of more examples of use of aspectual periphrases.


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APPENDIX 1: Translation of Spanish VPs into English12

Spanish VP


Translation of the verb phrase into English

Acabar de inf 1


‘Finish inf

Acabar de inf 2


verb in perfect tense + just’

Acostumbrar (a) inf


‘Usually verb /used to’

Andar ger


verb in progressive tense form + always’

Cesar de inf


‘Cease inf/ger

Coger y verb


‘Up and verb

Comenzar a inf


‘Begin/start inf/ger

Continuar ger


‘Keep ger

Dejar de inf


‘Stop ger

Echar a inf


‘Begin/start inf/ger

Empezar a inf


‘Begin/start inf/ger

Estar ger


verb in progressive tense form’

Estar a punto de inf


‘Be about to inf / be on the point of ger

Estar por inf


‘Be about to inf / be on the point of ger

Ir ger


verb in progressive tense form’

Ir a inf


‘Be going to inf

Ir y verb


‘Up and verb

Llevar ger


verb in perfect progressive tense form’

Parar de inf


‘Stop ger

Pasar a inf


‘Move on inf

Ponerse a inf


‘Begin/start inf/ger

Quedarse ger


verb in progressive tense form’

Seguir ger


‘Keep ger

Soler inf


‘Usually verb / used to’

Tardar en inf


‘Take time inf

Terminar de inf


‘Finish inf

Venir ger


verb in perfect progressive tense form’

Venir part


verb in passive voice’


1 [Back]

2 [Back]

3 [Back]

4 [Back]

5 A translation of the VPs can be found in Appendix 1. [Back]

6 [Back]

7 Telic auxiliaries are considered both a class and a subclass since they are not further subdivided. [Back]

8 This example has been slightly modified to simplify its translation. [Back]

9 Taken from [Back]

10 Taken from [Back]

11 The use of venir part ‘VERB in passive voice’ (in this case, firmada ‘signed’) implies a resultative interpretation. Thus, the present of the verb firmar ‘sign’ cannot be used to check transparency. Instead, copulative estar ‘be’ has been used, since this verb with a participle also gives a resultative reading. [Back]

12 These translations are actually glosses. When contextualized in an example, a more idiomatic expression might have been chosen. [Back]

Corresponding author

Glòria Vázquez

University of Lleida

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Plaza Víctor Siurana 1





received: September 2023

accepted: January 2024