Open Call for Papers


RiCL invites previously unpublished submissions in four main forms:

  1. Papers reporting on research based on or derived from corpora.
  2. Research papers reporting on corpus construction, annotation, the development and application of corpus tools, software, etc.
  3. Book reviews in the field of Corpus Linguistics.
  4. Review articles in the field of Corpus Linguistics.

The journal also publishes special issues on specific topics, with leading specialists in the field of corpus linguistics as guest editors. Potential Guest Editors are welcome to submit their proposals to the Editors at:

Specific areas of interest include corpus design, compilation and typology; discourse, literary analysis and corpora; corpus-based grammatical studies; corpus-based lexicology and lexicography; corpora, contrastive studies and translation; corpus and linguistic variation; corpus-based computational linguistics; corpora, language acquisition and teaching; and special uses of corpus linguistics.


For further information, see the Journal's Editorial Policies and the Submission Guidelines.