The Colonial Texts Corpus for the Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts




electronic corpus, Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts, colonial texts, Colonial Spanish


This article offers a detailed description of the Colonial Texts Corpus, one of eleven subcorpora of the Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts published by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies. Launched in 2018, the corpus allows interactive access to semi-paleographic transcriptions of texts produced in the Americas during the colonial period, a textual type that is under-represented in existing electronic corpora. The rationale of the project is provided, as well as the criteria for the selection of texts to be included and their method of preparation. Finally, the interface of the corpus is illustrated, and its functionality is exemplified.


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How to Cite

Kania, S., & Gago Jover, F. (2020). The Colonial Texts Corpus for the Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 8(1), 33–48.