Challenges of releasing audio material for spoken data: The case of the London–Lund Corpus 2




audio-to-text alignment, anonymisation, corpus compilation, spoken corpora, prosody, Praat


This article aims to describe key challenges of preparing and releasing audio material for spoken data and to propose solutions to these challenges. We draw on our experience of compiling the new London-Lund Corpus 2 (LLC-2), where transcripts are released together with the audio files. However, making the audio material publicly available required careful consideration of how to, most effectively, 1) align the transcripts with the audio and 2) anonymise personal information in the recordings. First, audio-to-text alignment was solved through the insertion of timestamps in front of speaker turns in the transcription stage, which, as we show in the article, may later be used as a valuable complement to more robust automatic segmentation. Second, anonymisation was done by means of a Praat script, which replaced all personal information with a sound that made the lexical information incomprehensible but retained the prosodic characteristics. The public release of the LLC-2 audio material is a valuable feature of the corpus that allows users to extend the corpus data relative to their own research interests and, thus, broaden the scope of corpus linguistics. To illustrate this, we present three studies that have successfully used the LLC-2 audio material.


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How to Cite

Põldvere, N., Frid, J., Johansson, V., & Paradis, C. (2021). Challenges of releasing audio material for spoken data: The case of the London–Lund Corpus 2. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 9(1), 35–62.