How to prepare the video component of the Diachronic Corpus of Political Speeches for multimodal analysis




DCPS, multimodal political discourse analys, gesture studies


The Diachronic Corpus of Political Speeches (DCPS) is a collection of 1500 full-length political speeches in English. It includes speeches delivered worldwide by English-speaking politicians in various settings, between 1545 and 2013. Enriched with semi-automatic morphosyntactic annotations and with discourse-pragmatic manual annotations, the DCPS is designed to achieve maximum representativeness and balance, preserve detailed metadata, and enable corpus-based studies of syntactic, semantic and discourse-pragmatic variation and change on political corpora.

For speeches given from 1950 on, video-recordings of the original delivery are often retrievable online. This opens up avenues of research in multimodal linguistics, in which studies on the integration of speech and gesture in the construction of meaning can include analyses of recurrent gestures and of multimodal constructions. This article discusses the issues at stake in preparing the video-recorded component of the DCPS for linguistic multimodal analysis, namely the exploitability of recordings, the segmentation and alignment of transcriptions, the annotation of gesture forms and functions in the software ELAN and the quantity of available gesture data.


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How to Cite

Debras, C. (2021). How to prepare the video component of the Diachronic Corpus of Political Speeches for multimodal analysis. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 9(1), 132–151.