Sketching the changing patterns in kaleidoscopes: New developments in corpus-based studies of translation features (2001–2021)




corpus-based translation studies, the third code, translation features, expansion, socio-cognitive constructs, interdisciplinary


Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS) have developed and advanced substantially since its emergence in the 1990s. This article provides an overview of the evolution of CTS from 2001 to 2021, identifying new challenges and research opportunities. The evolution of CTS is presented into two stages: the establishment of the subject matter and the expansion of research, respectively. We argue that CTS may enter the stage when the traditional specialties, such as using corpora in contrastive linguistics and translation, continue to advance, while a variety of new research points emerge and expand. After outlining current problems and unresolved issues, the analysis presents newly emerged research areas, assumptions, perspectives, and cross-fertilization with neighboring disciplines as the new developments in CTS. Four possible trends in CTS are framed and presented accordingly. The analysis highlights the significant advancements made in CTS over the past two decades and provides a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners interested in understanding the current state of CTS, and the directions it may take in the future.


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How to Cite

Pang, S., & Wang, K. (2023). Sketching the changing patterns in kaleidoscopes: New developments in corpus-based studies of translation features (2001–2021). Research in Corpus Linguistics, 11(2), 79–102.