Introduction: The ascent of corpus-based translation studies




corpus-based translation studies, corpus-based interpreting studies, constrained communication, terminology development, audiovisual translation


The pervasiveness of corpus-based research in the broad interdisciplinary field of translation studies is well attested. This editorial briefly reports on some of the most significant academic initiatives undertaken in corpus-based translation studies in recent years. It introduces each of the eight papers selected for this special issue of Research in Corpus Linguistics (RiCL). In doing so, the editorial will highlight their distinctive contribution to the interdisciplinarity of translation and interpreting studies.




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Anthony, Laurence. 2023. AntConc (Version 4.2.2). Tokyo: Waseda University.

Barlow, Michael. 2003. ParaConc: Concordance Software for Multilingual Parallel Corpora. Houston: Rice University.

Bendazzoli, Claudio. 2010. Corpora e Interpretazione Simultanea. Bologna: Asterisco.

Bendazzoli, Claudio. 2012. From international conferences to machine-readable corpora and back: An ethnographic approach to simultaneous interpreter-mediated communicative events. In Francesco Straniero Sergio and Caterina Falbo eds. Breaking Ground in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 91–117.

Bernardini, Silvia and Christian Mair eds. 2019. Investigating Englishes with Corpora: Variation, Contact, Translation. Special issue of Textus. English Studies in Italy. Rome: Carocci editore.

Calzada Pérez, María and Sara Laviosa eds. 2021. Reflexión crítica en los estudios de traducción basados en corpus / CTS Spring-cleaning: A Critical Reflection. Special Issue of Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación 13. Alacant: Universitàt de Alacant.

Dullion, Valérie ed. 2017. Between Specialised Texts and Institutional Contexts – Competence and Choice in Legal Translation. Special Issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 3/1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Flores Acuña, Estefanía and Pilar Rodríguez Reina eds. 2019. Orality, Language and Interpreting Challenges. Special issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 5/3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Ji, Meng and Sara Laviosa eds. 2021. The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Laviosa, Sara and María González-Davies eds. 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education. London: Routledge.

Laviosa, Sara and Kanglong Liu eds. 2021. The Pervasiness of Corpora in Translation Studies. Special issue of Translation Quarterly 101. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Translation Society.

Nelson, Gerald. 2006. The ICE Hong Kong Corpus: User Manual. London: University College London.

Shlesinger, Miriam. 1998. Corpus-based interpreting studies as an offshoot of corpus-based translation studies. Meta 43/4: 486–493.

Verliefde, Sofie and Bart Defrancq. 2022. Interpreter-mediated access to the written record in police interviews. Perspectives 31: 519–547.




How to Cite

Laviosa, S. . (2023). Introduction: The ascent of corpus-based translation studies. Research in Corpus Linguistics, 11(2), i-vi.