Introduction: the use of corpora for language teaching and learning


  • Antonio Vicente Casas-Pedrosa
  • Jesús Fernández Domínguez
  • Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes


corpus linguistics, language description, language learning, language teaching


This paper aims at contextualizing and presenting the first volume of the journal Research in Corpus Linguistics and is, therefore, divided into two main parts. First of all, it provides an introduction to the field ofcorpus linguistics and its increasingly relevant role in language teaching and learning. Secondly, it briefly introduces and discusses the six articles of the volume. Stemming from oral presentations delivered at the 4th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2012, Jaén, Spain), these articles have a number of features in common. They all make extensive use of corpora and at the same time deal with language teachingand language learning, the underlying assumption being that a genuine and mutually beneficial connection can be established between teaching and research. For this reason, each of them constitutes an illustrative sample of how different corpora can be exploited for different research purposes.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Vicente Casas-Pedrosa

Universidad de Jaén / Spain

Jesús Fernández Domínguez

Universidad de Jaén / Spain

Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes

Universidad de Valencia / Spain




How to Cite

Casas-Pedrosa, A. V., Fernández Domínguez, J., & Alcaraz Sintes, A. (2013). Introduction: the use of corpora for language teaching and learning . Research in Corpus Linguistics, 1, 1–5. Retrieved from